Thursday, July 26, 2007

Raw veganism has been an idea that has stumped me for a while. Maybe it's the fact that I love my cooked carbs and figure that it's enough. However, in the past month I have had a couple of very intense conversations with people about the raw vegan diet. With my anxiety acting up more than ever, I find myself drawn to the simplicity of the raw food/vegan lifestyle. I keep hearing about how great it feels and I can't help but want to try it.

However, warnings keep sounding in my head about how I would be able to get the 90g of protein per day required for my training. I would have to eat a LOT of nuts and hemp seeds to make that happen. I have been thinking, though, that incorporating raw foods into my diet slowly might work for now as I make my way to Ironman. So I took the liberty at contacting my local bookstore and getting the books ordered. They won't be here for a couple of weeks, but it's better on my conscience than ordering it from Amazon.

Raw Food, Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow was recommended to me by my former roommate, Heather, who is trying to be mostly raw and absolutely loves it. I believe her since I've heard this numerous times from numerous people. I've also been part of a Raw Vegan Community on LiveJournal for almost 2 years now.

The Complete Book of Raw Food is the other book I ordered. I'm excited about having a good base for learning about preparation and that sort of thing.

I also found a great blog called Raw Food, Right Now. These people are very inspiring and committed to the raw food lifestyle.

I like trying things out to see how it works. I'm not sure how it will work as an athlete, but I guess I'll find out!

1 comment:

WilliamsDamion said...

As stated above, sports nutrition supplements come in various varieties. Therefore, you must learn how to identify the right one that suits your needs. Furthermore, sports nutrition supplements are also available as capsule form, powder, tablets, energy drinks, etc.